

Gender Equality Workshops

I can facilitate a singular workshop which can be tailored to different age groups. It consists of different activities aiming to awaken our subconscious and alert us to how we think about gender and any biases we might have.

I can also tailor a series of workshops to your needs - each workshop touching on a specific theme e.g. gender in media, consent, intersectionality, bystander intervention, sexuality, masculinity, period shaming and poverty, everyday sexism etc.


EU Career Workshop

Having worked as an assistant to an MEP in the European Parliament in Brussels and being a social impact consultant based in Brussels exclusively working with non-profits, I am extremely experienced in all things EU career and can help you or your group learn more about this exciting and rewarding career path.

LinkedIn Workshop

I am a LinkedIn expert and am extremely enthusiastic about its potential for networking and finding jobs and opportunities. It is an extremely under-utilised tool particularly amongst young professionals and I am here to change that. I can give workshops on how to use LinkedIn for network and finding a job and I can help you with your LinkedIn profile.

Here I am as a ‘Rockstar’ speaking at LinkedIn’s Rockstars Live event in January 2021.

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Vlogging Workshop

I am also available to give in-person workshops or webinars on the creative process in making videos and tips and tricks for putting feminist content online.

Here I am pictured with End FGM European Network Youth Ambassadors. I have also done a webinar for Young Feminist Europe.