#BadFeministFriday - Getting my nails done before lockdown

This week on #BadFeministFriday (I actually don’t know why I keep doing this - I feel terrible about myself every week😂), I genuinely felt SO sorry for myself when my nails appointment for tomorrow was cancelled due to the virus. I was actually like “my life is SO hard” 😂😂 and I got a wisdom tooth taken out yesterday so feel some extra wallowing is in order😂 So instead of just letting it go and being logical and sensible and putting up with my weeks old grown out nails, I very quickly searched around for an appointment today before places started properly shutting down and I got one, genuinely thought to myself “thank God”😂 I know, I’m terrible but if I have to stay inside, you know I’m gonna have good nails😂 and they bring me a sincere amount of joy so this is my self care.. or at least that’s what I’m telling myself😂

Genuinely though, we all have to be sensible Sallys from now on and not be taking the piss - just thought I’d be a relatable human once again and show you it’s OK to not be perfect all the time😂💛

Have you done anything you probably should have just left off during the panic of it all?😂

*and yes I’m in my PJs outside in this pic because self care and good lighting😂


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