#BadFeministFriday - Not being a strong independent woman

I’ve decided to start posting #BadFeministFriday posts every Friday about how shit of a feminist I am that week😂 Now this is not to further the notion that women have to worry or be sorry for not being the perfect feminist; women already have to meet unattainable standards LOL. I simply want you to feel better knowing that you’re not alone if you do feel certain things that may not necessarily ‘be’ feminist and that you can still be a feminist at the same time. This will be fun😂 I’ll start off with something light to ease us in😂

I was thinking lately about how women are meant to be all strong and assertive now and demand what we want and take no shit from anyone😂 and honestly sometimes it’s just exhausting and you’re just like na I think it’ll be easier to just take the shit today😂 So then you’re already putting up with shit and then you feel bad about it because you’re not meant to take shit from anyone and it’s honestly exhausting all of it😂 I hate myself half the time because I’m like I knew I should have stood up for myself there or I should have said something else there but honestly sometimes I just need a break😂 And I’m really just not gonna feel bad about it anymore because we already have too much going on and I shouldn’t have to feel bad if I’m not always the strong, independent woman that I’m ‘meant’ to be. As I said, we already have a million things that we’re ‘meant’ to be (pretty, not too pretty, thin, not too thin, smart, not too smart – need I go on?) and I’m not adding feeling bad about not being assertive to my plate.

Yes, I will try to be that woman when I can in order to bring women up everywhere and dispel this notion that assertive women are somehow mythical creatures but sometimes I will also just go to sleep and try again tomorrow and that, too, will be OK. Jesus, these posts are just gonna be like therapy for me😂 Anyone else feel me?😂😂


#BadFeministFriday - Competing with other women